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Toronto-born digital artist Ron Giddings started by drawing cartoons on the back of his Math tests in Grade 2 and worked his way through cartooning, puppettry, stop-motion animation and darkroom (B&W and colour) before Photoshop 1.07 found him. The leap to digital image-making was made intuitively, partaking of most of the skills he had learned previously. Lighting and particularly the 'dance' created when line gives way to texture and detail in an image remains a glorious search in each picture he makes. As a contributing editor to Graphic Exchange Magazine, Ron has been able to review and learn the newest software releases from the world of graphics plug-ins. New software often leads him to rediscover fresh textures within the photos he takes or the 3D images he makes. His darkroom skills have become reborn in the form of archival inkjet printing, a skill he has mastered with great relish. Although born of digital software, Ron's images partake deeply of 'old school' painting techniques and styles as he remains a huge art history buff. |